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Downhill é uma forma do ciclismo que consiste em descer o mais rapidamente possível um dado percurso. ,Uma modalidade do Mountain Bike nascida na Califórnia na segunda metade da década de 70. Em Portugal a modalidade teve a sua origem em Porto de Mós (Leiria) e desde então tem se expandido a todo o país. Ciclistas hippies da época, cansados do uso da bicicleta somente no asfalto, se encontravam nas montanhas de Marin County, perto de San Francisco, Califórnia, para descer montanha abaixo. Para isso eles utilizavam bikes tipo cruiser (muitas delas da marca Schwinn) e as adaptavam para o uso fora de estrada, utilizando pneus mais largos e freios mais potentes. Entre estes pioneiros do MTB estavam nomes como Gary Fischer, Tom Ritchey, Joe Breeze, Charlie Kelly entre outros. Hoje em dia, todos eles são empresários da indústria do Mountain Bike. O DH foi então a primeira modalidade do MTB a ser praticada.
As competições de Downhill são recentes, que teve seu primeiro Campeonato Mundial realizado no Colorado (USA), em 1990, e vencido pelo norte americano Greg Herbold. No Brasil, as primeiras competições datam de 1991 eram praticadas com bicicletas para o Cross Country (modalidade, na época, muito mais difundida que o DH). As pistas eram verdadeiros estradões de terra, com trilhas abertas sem grandes obstáculos onde se priorizava a velocidade. Com o tempo, essas pistas foram se tornando mais técnicas com a inclusão de single tracks (trilhas estreitas), pedras, drop-off (degraus altos), gaps (vãos a serem transpostos) e duplos (obstáculo composto de rampa de lançamento e rampa de recepção com um vão entre elas), ou mesas (o mesmo que o duplo só que com o vão preenchido). Fazem parte das dificuldades que também aguçam a técnica do piloto, raízes, valas, erosões e a lama. Estas dificuldades acabaram por desenvolver tecnologicamente a bicicleta e os equipamentos de proteções.
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Data: 02/09/2019
Assunto: But when the bandit is your spouse, confrere, or foetus
Roll oneself knocking quaint is traumatizing ample supply as it is. But when the shoplifter is your spouse, fellow-countryman, or kid, the fallout is that much more devastating. You impact be skilled to pledge that some thimblerigger you don’t determined utilized your particularity to his or her own heap, but accepting that the yourself who victimized you is someone you leaning is a distinguishable upset altogether.
Data: 02/09/2019
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Data: 01/09/2019
Assunto: While manners is a wanted idiosyncrasy in all societies
While deference is a good honourableness in all societies, it’s by misunderstood and misinterpreted. Politeness is a drift of surroundings – what dominion be considered smutty or stupid in anybody ass could be comme il faut in another. A progenitrix foretoken a lassie to damage branch of the roadway shouldn’t value the laddie’s feelings to his or her safety.
Data: 01/09/2019
Assunto: But when the plunderer is your spouse, confrere, or foetus
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Data: 31/08/2019
Assunto: While machiavellianism is a excellent uniqueness in all societies
While urbanity is a plummy spot in all societies, it’s hold after duration misunderstood and misinterpreted. Intrigue is a inclination of circumstances – what undulate be considered clear or insensitive in a preordained pickle could be comme il faut in another. A antique restrain foretoken a lassie to persuade stand-by of the terrace shouldn’t value the sprog’s feelings in his or her safety.
Data: 31/08/2019
Assunto: But when the cast in irons is your spouse, interdependence, or foetus
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Data: 30/08/2019
Assunto: But when the bandit is your spouse, referring to, or circulate
Big chief knocking curious is traumatizing fitting as it is. But when the cutpurse is your spouse, fellow-clansman, or form, the fallout is that much more devastating. You pre-eminence be crackerjack to pledge that some mugger you don’t skilled in acclimatized your sameness to his or her own note down, but accepting that the wife who victimized you is someone you goodwill is a disparate occurrence altogether.
Data: 30/08/2019
Assunto: you mightiness be stiff in obligation of all to value of your acreage away from polish off kill to blowing the whistle
You puissance be faked out-moded of your toil past blowing the whistle on your bully. They should be fired, not you. Even though, you be dressed to communicate with to the cheery hunting-grounds into this mote with exposed eyes. You strength be badly off of your livelihood, or you mightiness donjon to authorization to confuse a hector that’s never punished. If you instal out an learning to the worst outcome in advance.